Friday 20 December 2013

HA3 - Task 7 - Review

I found this topic a challenge in which was fun to participate in. I enjoyed creating my character (John Jones) and creating a background. Also, I found it thrilling as I could make up our own story line to our own game ideas. However the hardest thing to do was the character development considering it took the most time and I had to go through many different stages such as taking pictures of my self in different poses and then turning it into a vector graphic. Furthermore, I found the background part of this topic one of the easiest as I could make it look rigid and destroyed as the scenery was a New York alley way. This meant that I didn't have to give it a neater look as my character. Overall this topic was challenging but yet again this comfortably helped me to improve my skills when working on illustrator and Photoshop. All I need to now in the future is present it on blogger. Then my work shall be complete until I wait for improvements from an adviser( If there is any that need completing)

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